No indeed! Rather what they have earned has rusted up their
The term “rusted” is here used to describe the
constitution of the hearts of some human beings. Whilst the verse contains
spiritual elements, the verse may also refer to the biochemical reaction that
takes place in the heart. (Allah knows the truth.) Rust is the result of iron
reacting with oxygen – this is the process known as oxidation. The oxygen we
absorb from the air is carried through the body by means of the iron present in
the hemoglobin in the blood. During this process, the oxygen reacts with the
iron in the blood. This means there is a constant resemblance to “rusting” in
our blood. This “rusted” blood is then carried to the heart and around the circulation
system of the human body.
excess of iron in the blood can even lead to premature aging in all of the
body's cells by causing rust-like oxidation. In the disease

known as “hemochromatosis,” caused by excess
iron accumulating in the body, iron produces a toxic effect and causes
organs such as the liver to collapse. Since this is the result of iron
oxidation, this phenomenon is often described as organs “rusting” or ”rust
accumulation” in organs”.76 In the journal Science News Dr. Sharon McDonnell
describes the iron oxidation
in cells making up organs as 'rusting'. Another
reference says this about the disease: " those with hemochromatosis absorb
iron, storing it in their organs. Over time, it accumulates in toxic amounts,
causing organs to fail because they literally rust." It is only possible to identify the reaction
of iron with oxygen in the body–oxidation in the blood–in laboratories with
highly advanced equipment. The fact that such a comparison, so compatible with
the scientific data, appears in the Quran is an evident miracle, given the era
of the Quranic revelation. The Quran also contains countless other pieces of
information which are in complete agreement with modern science. Surely, this
is another sign that it is the revelation of Omniscient Allah, our Lord and the
Creator of all things.
The oxygen we take from the air is carried
through the body by means of the iron in the hemoglobin in the blood. As this
happens, the oxygen enters into a reaction with the iron in the blood. [ 2 ]
[ 1 ] Al – Quran [ 83 : 14 ]
[ 2 ] Scientific
miracle of the quran by harun yahya page number [ 90
& 91 ]
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